Uzerro's TEiN Modding Page


This is my page for everything I've done related to TEiN modding. More content coming soon never probably.

TEiN Randomizer

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The TEiN randomizer is currently a work in progress, but it already has a ton of features and content. Click here or on the nav bar above to learn more.


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This is the name I've given to my main TEiN modding project. My goal is to create a full game replacement mod with several new areas to explore, an altered progression system, and as many new gameplay mechanics as possible.

The Rainbow Goblins

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An experimental mod focusing on physics modding, challenging level design, and absurd visual design. This mod is named after the Story of the Seven Rainbow Goblins, a very interesting childrens book which inspired some really cool albums.


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What would happen if The End got flipped on its side? This mod attempts to answer that question by reworking many of the games levels at a 90° rotation from the originals.

Modding Tutorials

I'm gonna make them one day, I swear.